Diamond Concentrator
Concentrate your alluvial gravel by means of an alluvial concentrator, also known as a pulsating jig. As the diamond concentrator pulsates, it automatically breaks down the larger pieces of gravel and traps gold or diamonds in the vertical riffles. The gold stays behind while the lighter material washes down the screen and eventually collects at the end. Collect the trailings for further processing or discard it.
This large concentrator is a mobile, or portable unit, and is available as both a single or double pulsating system. It includes water inlets as well as slow drains at the bottom of the unit. The concentrator can process anything between 50kg per hour, up to 1 ton per hour, depending on your setup. This system is also available in both single phase or 3 phase, as well as petrol or diesel driven units. Stainless steel mesh screens are conveniently removable and replaceable but is additional to the concentrator.
The system requires an additional water pump and water hoses for washing purposes.
Unit consists of the following:
- Complete pulsating jig
Plant description:
- Ideal for the recovery of diamonds, gem stones and larger gold
- The system creates a super concentrate and increases on-site production
- Petrol or diesel driven units available
- Waste outlet in place
- Flow control valve in place
- 2 bowls with water feeding points
For more information about the diamond concentrator, please contact us, or send us your requirements if you have a new design. We look forward to helping you set it up!